Stumbling in Lecce

The old Lecce is a very beautiful city. The buildings are made of a unique limestone called pietra Luccese and it is predominantly built in  baroque style.

(When I went looking for the laundrette outside the walls Lecce became more average).

There are pretty alley ways wending between the tall buildings. Cool and funky bar’s music rhythmically announces its theme such as the Cuban rum bar and the Irish bar. Hundreds of people stroll through the shopping areas having their passieggiata in the evening cool. There seems to be a lot of English people judging from the accents around me. The shops in this old part of town are very beautiful and expensive, (a simply gorgeous silk dress for 800 euro!), or they are local crafts people selling their ceramics and paintings, hand made bells and paintings.


People drive Maseratis and the police motorbikes are BMWs. There is money in Lecce.

And then, just when you think you are in heaven you stumble upon the Roman amphitheater in the centre of the old town. I had not done my homework and this was not anticipated. What a lovely surprise.

Rustico is the take out food of choice with its filling of hot mozzarella and tomato sauce, yum. And washed down with a Peroni.


On the way back to my rooms I also stumbled upon a religious parade in the streets with crosses and nuns, priests and statues, a brass band and lots and lots of locals. It was a wonderful cultural reminder as to where I was.


And speaking of stumbling, somewhere along via O.Quarta I stumbled on the cobbles and wrenched little delicate bits in my foot and put myself out of action for the whole next day. Where I may have gone to Otranto or Gallipoli, I was forced to read and rest and slather arnica liberally on my foot. I surrendered. Busy will come again.

I was so rested I wrote a poem called ‘Stumbling’ about unrequited love.

11 thoughts on “Stumbling in Lecce

      1. Oh, most decent! Daniele is a poet and an artist, I think. I can’t see all the words clearly, but it looks like this:

        Solo nei sogni, puoi distinguere i contorni di un ritratto che assecondi situazioni piu conformi si da pormi senza sfondi, ma con toni piu decisi, per potere veder sorrisi, la realta soquadra, devastanti i rumori, ma dai ritratti vanno via, solo ombre e colori, ecco la mostra dei sogni infelici dei volti solo tratti, ma rimangono le cornici. – Daniele.

        Only in dreams, can you distinguish the contours of a portrait that follows more conforming situations, posed without backgrounds, but with more determined tones, to be able to see smiles; reality soothes, noises devastate, but they go away from portraits; only shadows and colours, this is the display of unhappy dreams, of only faces, but the frames remain. – Daniele


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      2. I have often found beautiful graffiti. I saw one years ago that said “I breathe more easily when I am beside you”. It was under a bridge in a valley near here. I have never forgotten it. Sigh!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. We are returnin to Puglia next spring. We visited years ago and found it a bit challenging. The roads were horrible in many places, road signs few and we saw some truly awful places. We are a bit more experienced Italian travellers now and will got it another try. We didn’t go to Lecce last time, but it is definitely on our list this year.

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    1. I have never driven in Italy so can’t speak to the roads but the trains were great and saw some lovely places. I also saw some rough places. Lecce is a highlight though, I’ll look forward to your posts.


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